Can Exercise as a young adult prevent Osteoporosis?
Studies have found the prevalence of Osteoporosis in people greater than fifty years of age at 16% for Men and 30% of Women. Having weaker bones increases the risk of fragility bone fractures which can lead to loss of activity, disability and early death.

A recent study to be published in the March 2019 journal of BONE, states that more aggressive/ intense exercise is good for maturing young boys. In this article authored by Jorge Marin-Puyalto; vigorous physical activity is good for bone health in young teenagers.
Intense exercise has been shown to promote bone growth in adolescents. Our teenage years are especially important to bone health because 40% of total bone mass occurs during puberty. While the risk of developing Osteoporosis varies from person to person and is dependent on race, genetics, sex; the one variable that can be controlled is exercise. Exposing our kids to sports and activities such as soccer, track & field or basketball; can help our kids optimize their bone health.

The study found that activities (the more intense the better) lasting for greater than 15 mins can promote increased calcium deposition into teenage bones. The more frequent and intense the activity, the better.
Ultimately, having good strong bones at an early age decreases our risk of osteoporosis as we get older and potentially minimizes the health risks that weak bones may subject us too.